
  • 12

    Guide to choosing serviced offices in Hong Kong

    In Hong Kong’s highly competitive business environment, start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises face many challenges, among which office space selection and cost control are particularly critical. Serviced offices have become the first choice of many companies due to their high cost performance, flexibility and one-stop service. However, how to find the one that suits […]

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  • 19

    Capital East Tsim Sha Tsui Business Center opens a new chapter in business for customers!

    Whether you have plans to start a business recently or are looking for a temporary office space for your team, the location of your office must not be careless. As the most prosperous and lively prime location in Hong Kong, Tsim Sha Tsui may become one of your priority choices due to its superior geographical […]

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  • 15

    Central service offices inprovide to start-up companies

    The development path of a startup company is often full of unknowns and challenges. Business uncertainty and rapid personnel changes are its distinctive features. Against this background, Central serviced offices have become a favored choice for many start-ups due to their flexibility and comprehensiveness. It not only provides physical space support for startups, but also […]

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  • 01

    Create affordable independent office solutions for SOHO and entrepreneurs

    Whether you are a SOHO owner or an individual entrepreneur, you will inevitably encounter various issues regarding office rental while working. , Capital International Business Center has specially launched an independent office rental service. You can enjoy an office with good ownership for only a small amount of money every month. The independent offices in […]

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  • 25

    Office rental tips: Choose a mini office to speed up your entrepreneurial journey

    To start a business, in addition to having sufficient funds, connections and professional knowledge, it is more important to have a comfortable and well-equipped office space that can provide all the necessary logistical support for the entrepreneurial journey. Of course, some people may question why you need to pay extra rent when you can work […]

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  • 04

    Things to Consider When Renting an Office: Smart Choices to Avoid Pitfalls

    In today’s fast-paced business environment, finding an office space that is both suitable and cost-effective is crucial for ensuring smooth business operations. Whether you are a startup, a small to medium-sized enterprise, or a merchant looking to establish a physical office for your online store, there are several aspects to consider when leasing an office. […]

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  • 24

    Serviced Offices VS. Co-working Spaces: Which is the New Trend in Office Space?

    From home offices to co-working spaces, and then to serviced offices, various new office models continue to emerge, providing entrepreneurs and freelancers with unprecedented choice. However, when faced with the two popular options of serviced offices and co-working spaces, many people find themselves in a dilemma. So, what’s the difference between serviced offices and co-working […]

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  • 06

    The Wise Choice for Startups: Exploring the Benefits of Virtual Offices

    Many startups, out of cost considerations, are reluctant to spend too much money on office rent. However, an appropriate company registration address is quite important for startups, therefore the emergence of virtual offices has become an ideal choice for founders, and even an important way to enhance brand image. Early Startups: Meeting More Like-minded People […]

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  • 03

    Capital’s Solo Office Rental: Create Your Personal and Private Workspace

    Whether you’re a SOHO worker or a solo entrepreneur, you’ll often face the difficult decision of choosing a workspace: Working from home gives you greater freedom, saves commuting time and related costs, but you may be disturbed by household chores or external noise. Renting a traditional office can provide a professional work environment, but the […]

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  • 30

    Who is the serviced office suitable for?

    With the transformation of modern work patterns, serviced offices are favored by all kinds of entrepreneurs due to their high flexibility and convenience. These offices not only offer basic office facilities but also include a range of value-added services to meet the working needs of different groups. So, who exactly are serviced offices suitable for? […]

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  • 16

    Complete Guide to Renting a Small Studio: Choose the Right Location and Create a Comfortable Creative Space

    With the booming development of the creative industry, small studios have become the first choice for many artists, designers, and entrepreneurs. However, when choosing a studio to rent, there are many factors we need to consider to ensure that it can meet work needs and make the creative process more comfortable and efficient. Let’s explore […]

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  • 13

    How Should Startups Choose the Right Office Space? These Details Matter Greatly

    How can startups find the most ideal office space within a limited budget? For startups, leasing an office is an important and complex decision-making process. Unlike leasing a residential property, the choice of offices is more diverse, including traditional office buildings, serviced offices, virtual offices, and coworking spaces, which can meet the needs of companies […]

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  • 24

    Compared to traditional offices, what are the advantages of small offices?

    Many entrepreneurs struggle with limited startup funds when they first establish their businesses. Given the high cost of real estate in Hong Kong, renting a traditional office space and dealing with the associated interior decoration and facility setup can be a daunting task. After the lease expires, the headache of disposing of office equipment adds […]

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  • 22

    Rent or buy an office in Hong Kong?

    Hong Kong, a vibrant international metropolis, boasts a prosperous and diverse business environment. However, when entrepreneurs consider establishing a company or office in Hong Kong, a crucial question arises: should they rent or buy an office building? Generally speaking, the main advantage of renting an office building is its flexibility. Entrepreneurs can choose a traditional […]

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  • 09

    An Admiralty business registration Address rental is only $65 up!

    Located in a prime central location, the United Centre business centre is adjacent to Pacific Place and Lippo Centre.

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  • 09

    Want to start your business in Admiralty?

    Want to start your business in Admiralty? The Capital Admiralty Business Center will be your choice! You can enjoy an Admiralty co-working space with various facilities including the shared network, common reception area and meeting room. The rent of an Admiralty Shared Office starts from only HK$4,980 /month, including utility bill and management fee! For […]

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  • 09

    The rental of an Admiralty co-working space starts from HK$4,980

    (繁) Capital Admiralty United Centre is located in the financial centre of Hong Kong. The Admiralty Business Centre provides start-ups with an Admiralty shared office and Admiralty working space. The co-working space also provides a shared network, common reception area and meeting room. The rental of an Admiralty co-working space starts from HK$4,980+/month inclusive of utility bill and management fee. For more details, please contact Ms Kwok at +852 2919-6888! Let’s help you to excel in your business!

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  • 15

    United Centre, Admiralty~

    It is always important for a startup to choose a great office to enhance the corporate image. The newly opened Admiralty Business Center of the Capital International Business Center is suitable for your startup with low cost in the early stage of the business; during the expansion, it provides a variety of solutions to adapt […]

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  • 06

    Causeway Bay Business Centre

    Causeway Bay Business Centre is located at McDonald’s Building, Causeway Bay, Island District, is a convenient and ideal location for both business and personal life. 5-minutes walking distance from Causeway Bay Station, adjacent to Hysan Place, Times Square and business finical banking Centres. Improving your productivity at work by providing flexible office solutions, reducing company […]

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  • 30

    Grand Opening ~ United Centre ~

    Capital International Business Center, located at United Centre, Admiralty has officially opened! The Admiralty Center is located at prestigious location, overlooking the Harcourt Garden and the Victoria harbour view of Tsim Sha Tsui. It is adjacent to grade A commercial buildings such as Pacific Place and Lippo Center. The surrounding facilities are perfect, and you […]

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  • 15

    (繁) 全新旗艦店-金鐘統一中心 (2019年8月開幕)

    Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁 and 简.

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  • 01

    [全新] 創富港商務中心 – 深圳富臨大酒店 (2019年1月開幕)

    (繁) 商務中心位於大廈5樓,視野開闊採光好,戶型方正,租期靈活,專業寫字樓形象,即租即用。
    1) 2人房 低至RMB¥1500/月起
    2) 10人房連經理房只需RMB¥8500/月起

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  • 10

    Christmas Sale 2018

    Capital International Business Centre launches Christmas offer: Offer 1 👉 Causeway Bay Designated 3 person room – from HK$7880 per month 👉 Sheung Wan  Designated 3 person room – from HK$6880 per month 👉 Wan Chai  Designated 2 person room – from HK$5280 per month Offer 2: For those who confirmed and signed the agreement […]

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  • 24

    (繁) 服務式辦公室 vs 傳統辦公室

    Sorry, this entry is only available in 繁 and 简.

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  • 29

    共用工作空間 vs 商務中心

    共用工作空間(co-working space) 近年在港迅速冒起,一度大受年青創業家歡迎。但有部份用家雖曾使用共用工作空間,但認為環境較熱鬧,若想專心工作便未必適合,加上租金偏貴(以每月每人HK$4000 – $7000不等),反而分租辦公室或使用商務中心 既有一定設施提供,租金亦較合理,更適合這類型用家。 特別是初創企業 (startup company),公司早期可能只有2人經營,可能由2個人變到7個人,到10幾個人後又減番2個人。公司主營點可能係九龍或新界區,但後勤工作人員在港島上班,而傳統更要簽至少一年租約,這些都是對初創企業有難度。如有些公司在九龍區租了用辦公室,但為吸引科技人才,特別在上環等租用商務中心予西環 / 上環居住的員工,這樣一來降低了成本,而員工又方便些。 香港因為土地問題、家用空間少,要像外國的home office(在家工作)不太盛行,特別是員工屋企未必人人有合適的辦公空間。所以工作地點及空間要有一定靈活性又能令公司吸引人才,多數初創公司會視乎公司發展,在不同地區租用分租辦公室或使用商務中心,這將是未來社會趨勢。 拓業國際 在香港的8間分店設於港九新界,讓用家可自由選擇自己所需要的地點及辦公空間。我們於國內更在8個不同城市擁140+間中心予以選用,且價格合理,提供不同商業服務 (包括成立公司、公司註冊、虛擬服務、秘書服務、服務式辦公室等),絕對稱得上創業的好伙伴。 如創業中的你/妳 現在正苦惱各種租用辦公地方或公司註冊等問題,歡迎隨時致電查詢,我們都希望可以幫忙解決問題。💪🏻 ======================================== 拓業國際商務中心,讓您業務更輕鬆便捷! 公司網站 電話:(852) 2919 0336

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  • 09

    Latest Promotion on October

    (繁) 要知道成功須苦幹,好多雄心壯志出嚟創業嘅人都話創業艱難,無論大大小小嘅事都要獨力處理。 想開公司?唔洗周圍撲嘅!唔洗搵office,唔洗搞裝修,拓業國際可以為你提供一站式專業商業支援服務,輕鬆上手做老闆!

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  • 25

    Capital Member-Get-Member Program


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  • 24

    開立公司 – 戶口小貼士

    開立新公司 戶口小貼士:


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  • 23

    Special Offers For Causeway Bay Center

    Capital International Business Center now promoting our Causeway Bay Branch! Discount for dedicated room from 3 to 6 persons. Please contact 29196828 for tour booking.

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  • 06

    脫離束縛 跳出傳統辦公室


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