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    Mong Kok Virtual Office: Capital Business Center is your efficient choice

    Mong Kok, located in the northern part of Yau Tsim Mong District in Hong Kong, is famous for its unique business atmosphere and rich shopping and entertainment options. It is such a dynamic business environment that attracts many entrepreneurs to work hard and develop their own businesses here. Capital’s virtual office in Mong Kok is […]

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  • 18

    The Four Myths of Starting a Business in Hong Kong

    Hong Kong, as one of the international financial centers, attracts countless entrepreneurs and business owners pursuing their commercial dreams. However, before embarking on this entrepreneurial journey, it is crucial to understand and dispel the myths about starting a business in Hong Kong. Myth 1: Liability There are primarily two types of companies in Hong Kong: […]

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  • 22

    Choose Capital Business Center meeting room rental service

    Many times, even companies with top-notch office facilities will inevitably encounter situations where they need additional space to meet different meeting needs. Choosing the Capital Business Center meeting room rental service can not only significantly improve the meeting effect, but can also be flexibly adjusted according to actual needs to ensure that every meeting can […]

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  • 12

    Considerations for renting a virtual office for business registration in Hong Kong

    With the popularity of virtual offices, entrepreneurs are not only not restricted to renting physical stores or offices when opening a company, but the threshold for starting a business has also been greatly reduced. However, before renting a virtual office for business registration, it is best to understand the necessary legal terms, business registration steps, […]

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  • 09

    The Hidden Cost of Virtual Offices: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Low Costs

    In today’s flexible and ever-changing business environment, virtual offices have become the first choice for many small and micro businesses, freelancers and start-ups due to their low cost and high flexibility. However, behind the seemingly attractive monthly fees, there are often many unknown charging items and conditional restrictions hidden, which makes many users feel difficult […]

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    Choice of business registration address in Hong Kong: Comparison of residential address and virtual office

    When establishing a company and conducting business registration in Hong Kong, choosing an appropriate Hong Kong company registration address is a crucial decision. This is not only related to the company’s legal operations, but also directly affects the company’s brand image, operating costs and operating efficiency. Can I choose a residential address as my business […]

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  • 22

    Is It Necessary to Have a Long-Term Lease for Office Rentals? Consider the Unique Advantages of Kowloon Serviced Offices

    The traditional office leasing model often requires signing long-term leases, which can be a significant obstacle for businesses needing to adjust their office space flexibly or those in the startup phase. Fortunately, Capital International Business Center’s Kowloon serviced offices have become the preferred choice for more and more businesses due to their unique flexibility and […]

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  • 19

    Revealing how virtual offices use innovative services to help enterprises get started easily

    In today’s fast-paced and high-efficiency business environment, every step of the enterprise needs to be carefully calculated and strive to achieve maximum development benefits with optimal resource allocation. Virtual office, as a new work model and business solution, is providing a low-cost, high-efficiency development platform for start-up entrepreneurs and various types of enterprises with its […]

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  • 08

    Rent Capital Central Virtual Office Service: Unlock the Key to Business Success

    In the bustling heart of Hong Kong—Central, every inch of land is filled with unlimited business opportunities. For startups or SMEs seeking efficient operational costs, Capital Central Business Center, with its unique virtual office services, has become the choice of many entrepreneurs. Let’s explore the extraordinary charm of renting a Central virtual office and see […]

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    Benefits of Renting a Meeting Room: Flexibility, Completeness, Convenience

    Currently, many business centers offer meeting room rental services, making it convenient for clients to hold meetings, seminars, and various business activities. In this article, Capital International Business Center will explore the “various benefits of renting a meeting room” in detail. ① Flexibility Compared to traditional fixed meeting rooms, the meeting room rental services provided […]

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  • 20

    How to Register a Company in Hong Kong? A Detailed Company Registration Guide

    As an international financial center, Hong Kong attracts entrepreneurs from around the world with its superior business environment, sound legal system, and tax incentives. If you plan to establish a company in Hong Kong, here is a detailed guide to help you smoothly complete the registration process. Step 1: Choose the Company Type and Name […]

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    Guide to Company Registration in Hong Kong: What’s the difference between company registration and business registration?

    In Hong Kong, running a business involves two important documents: the Certificate of Incorporation (CI) and the Business Registration Certificate (BR). While both are essential for business operations, they have significant differences in function, purpose, and application process. Therefore, if you happen to be planning to register a company, it’s recommended to understand these differences […]

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  • 08

    What are the benefits of using a virtual office as the company’s registered address?

    When you’re considering starting a business or registering a new company, you may find that the cost of setting up a physical office is quite high. However, the advent of virtual offices not only allows many entrepreneurs to have a formal office address without a physical office space, but they can also enjoy many services […]

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  • 19

    What are the benefits of renting a virtual office for start-up entrepreneurs?

    In the early stages of entrepreneurship, everything needs to be done by the entrepreneurs themselves. “How to establish a professional image with limited resources” becomes a question that every early-stage entrepreneur must face. In recent years, virtual offices have become popular among many estart-up entrepreneurs due to their affordability and flexible leasing terms. So, what […]

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  • 09

    An Admiralty business registration Address rental is only $65 up!

    Located in a prime central location, the United Centre business centre is adjacent to Pacific Place and Lippo Centre.

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  • 09

    Want to start your business in Admiralty?

    Want to start your business in Admiralty? The Capital Admiralty Business Center will be your choice! You can enjoy an Admiralty co-working space with various facilities including the shared network, common reception area and meeting room. The rent of an Admiralty Shared Office starts from only HK$4,980 /month, including utility bill and management fee! For […]

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  • 11

    Event space for FREE

    The geographical convenience is a vital element for planning an event. Capital International Business Centre offers free venues for your business. Event Venue of Admiralty Business Center: √ Close to MTR station √ Projectors √ High-performance Wi-Fi √ Air conditioning √ Accommodating 25-30 people Schedule is limited. Please call: 2919 0316 to hold a seminar […]

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  • 07

    Virtual Office Services

    Capital International Business Centre provides virtual office services and offers a prominent address for your starting career. • Business registration at the address of Grade A commercial office to create a positive corporate image. • Provide administrative document handling services, secretarial and business reception services. • Pay-as-you-go, time-saving and efficient. Virtual office services start at […]

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  • 29

    共用工作空間 vs 商務中心

    共用工作空間(co-working space) 近年在港迅速冒起,一度大受年青創業家歡迎。但有部份用家雖曾使用共用工作空間,但認為環境較熱鬧,若想專心工作便未必適合,加上租金偏貴(以每月每人HK$4000 – $7000不等),反而分租辦公室或使用商務中心 既有一定設施提供,租金亦較合理,更適合這類型用家。 特別是初創企業 (startup company),公司早期可能只有2人經營,可能由2個人變到7個人,到10幾個人後又減番2個人。公司主營點可能係九龍或新界區,但後勤工作人員在港島上班,而傳統更要簽至少一年租約,這些都是對初創企業有難度。如有些公司在九龍區租了用辦公室,但為吸引科技人才,特別在上環等租用商務中心予西環 / 上環居住的員工,這樣一來降低了成本,而員工又方便些。 香港因為土地問題、家用空間少,要像外國的home office(在家工作)不太盛行,特別是員工屋企未必人人有合適的辦公空間。所以工作地點及空間要有一定靈活性又能令公司吸引人才,多數初創公司會視乎公司發展,在不同地區租用分租辦公室或使用商務中心,這將是未來社會趨勢。 拓業國際 在香港的8間分店設於港九新界,讓用家可自由選擇自己所需要的地點及辦公空間。我們於國內更在8個不同城市擁140+間中心予以選用,且價格合理,提供不同商業服務 (包括成立公司、公司註冊、虛擬服務、秘書服務、服務式辦公室等),絕對稱得上創業的好伙伴。 如創業中的你/妳 現在正苦惱各種租用辦公地方或公司註冊等問題,歡迎隨時致電查詢,我們都希望可以幫忙解決問題。💪🏻 ======================================== 拓業國際商務中心,讓您業務更輕鬆便捷! 公司網站 電話:(852) 2919 0336

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  • 28

    虛擬辦公話咁易 雙重優惠等緊你

    啱啱起步創業嘅你有冇遇到以下問題呢? 想註冊公司地址唔知點算好? 想搵個大方得體嘅地方見客? 拓業國際 銅鑼灣分店現推出雙重優惠!想輕鬆創業,搵拓業國際幫手喇! ✨優惠1:24小時 #企業智能取件服務 新客戶凡簽滿一年 #取件服務,即額外贈送6個月及免費註冊地址服務。 (平均月費: HK$176 起) ✨優惠2: 本月Facebook限定 凡透過Facebook Inbox或留言並成為入駐會員使用銅鑼灣分店服務式辦公室者,即可每月免費獲贈指定會議室使用時數。 #銅鑼灣虛擬辦公室 #平租Office #服務式辦公室 #臨時辦公室 ============================================ 拓業國際商務中心,讓您業務更輕鬆便捷! 公司網站 電話:(852) 2919 0336 / 5361 9269 (WhatsApp) 歡迎致電預約參觀及查詢最新優惠!

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    返工最緊要就腳!如果你搵緊服務式辦公室,拓業國際銅鑼灣商務中心絕對係你嘅最佳選擇! #拓業國際銅鑼灣商務中心 位處港島區黃金地段,距離銅鑼灣港鐵站只需5 分鍾路程。

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  • 06

    脫離束縛 跳出傳統辦公室


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